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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2012-2014 Fellowship Project Summaries

California: Maggie Wenger, from the University of Michigan and nominated by Michigan Sea Grant, was matched with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to put climate change adaptation into action in San Francisco Bay.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Robbie Greene, from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and nominated by Wisconsin Sea Grant, was matched with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Coastal Resources Management Office to address climate change and associated coastal hazards in the CNMI.

Delaware: Kate Fleming, from Delaware State University and nominated by Delaware Sea Grant, was matched with the Delaware Coastal Program to develop a marine spatial plan for Delaware's Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay area.

Maryland: Nicole Carlozo, from Duke University and nominated by North Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the Maryland Chesapeake and Coastal Program to integrate water quality and coastal resources into marine spatial planning in the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays.

Washington: Kelsey Gianou, from Oregon State University and nominated by Oregon Sea Grant, was matched with the Washington State Department of Ecology to provide green shorelines guidance for state and local governments in Puget Sound.